Volume 1
pgs. 17, 29 (Jelinek 1977) should be (Jelínek 1977).
pg. 38: both species placed under Archeobuprestis were originally described in Paleobuprestis, thus
maxima Walker 1938:138 should be maxima (Walker) 1938:138
minima Walker 1938:139 should be minima (Walker) 1938:139
pg. 56: synonym: erinaceus Obenberger 1936f:14 (var. of chevrolatii); should end in a period (‘.’), not the semicolon (‘;’).
pg. 120: transvaalensis (Thomson) [see Amblysterna] should read [see Neojulodis]
pg. 139: Genus TRIGONOGYA Schaeffer 1919 [Feminine - 1 species - Nearctic, Neotropical regions] should only include the Nearctic region.
pg. 170: cardinalis Obenberger [synonym of viridaenea DeGeeri] should be degeeri
pg. 222: under mudgei: Distribution, Michocan should be Michoácan
pg. 274: synonym: cardinalis ... (syn. of viridaenea DeGeeri), should be degeeri
pg. 247: synonym: pubescens Kerremans 1907e:613 (lap. cal.), should be ‘unavailable name’
pg. 252: unavailable name: Laporteana Obenberger should be laporteana Obenberger
pg. 373: to be consistent, montesuma should defer to the subsequent spelling ‘montezuma’:
“(incorrect subsequent spelling validated by subsequent usage, ICZN 1999, Article 33.3.1)”
as this justification is used elsewhere.
pg. 380: synonym: bipustulata Boisduval 1835:83 (Buprestis) should be (Boisduval)
pg. 381: (Castalia, preocc: cyanipennis Deyrolle 1864): cyanipennis should be in italics
pg. 388: synonym: maculata Obst 1906:172 (Polycesta, var. of damarana) should be (Obst)
pg. 389: there should be a blank line above: gaudroni Descarpentries 1975b
pg. 414: anamita should come before angolensis
pg. 445: waterstradti Théry 1923 should have: Distribution: ORI Malaysia Sabah
pg. 508: helopioides Gräffe 1868:48, should be helopioides (Gräffe)
pg. 529: dalmanni Eschcholtz in Mannerheim 1837, should be simply "Eschscholtz"
pg. 539: synonym: arrogans Boisduval 1835:72 (Buprestis), should be arrogans (Boisduval)
pg. 546: guangxiensis should come before orientalis
pg. 595: the genus-group name Descarpentriesina was suppressed in Opinion 1825 (ICZN 1996a).
pg. 625: should read: fossicollis (Kerremans) 1906a:415 (Exagistus); ... Théry 1943d:646 (Nesotrinchus)
Volume 2
pg. 643: altaica should come before alternecostata
pg. 705: gossypicida should come before gossypii
pg. 802: tessmanni should come before testata
pg. 817: header reads Westcottia - Genestia, but should read Sphenoptera - Genestia
pg. 819: header reads Hippomelas, but should read Genestia
pg. 821: header reads Gyascutus, but should read Hippomelas
pg. 827: header reads Gyascutus - Prasinalia, but should read Prasinalia - Pseudoperotis
pg. 829: header reads Pseudoperotis - Asidoptera, but should read Chalcopoecila
pg. 847: notocelium should be italicized
pg. 847/848: zivettoides should come before zivettum
pg. 961: eIscalerae should be escalerae
pg. 987: under hesperoborealis: Type: OSUO should be Type: USNM
pg. 1221: chalybeiventris should come after chalybaeofasciata
pg. 1258: pygmaea (Kerremans) [synonym of Agrilozodes] should be pygmaea (Kerremans) [see Agrilozodes]
Volume 3
pg. 1329: papuana should come before parvula
pg. 1495: kafkai Bílý 1996 should be kafkai (Bílý 1996)
pg. 1523: osburni should be osborni (also in the Index)
pg. 1541: Distribution: U.S.A. New Hampshire New York Michigan
pg. 1628: Washinton should be Washington
pg. 1654: mrazi should come before muehlei
pg. 1767: the type repository for Camerunica bifasciata is CSCA, not CASC
Volume 4
pg. 1923: MNMSelegantula Cobos 1978:31. should be on separate lines
pg. 1990: barkerellus should come before barkeri
pg. 2023: chapaensis should come before chaparensis
pg. 2092: felix and femoralis should come before fenestratus
pg. 2108: distinctus (Cobos) 1967 should include (preocc. distinctus Deyrolle 1864)
pg. 2137: indagator should come before indigaeus
pg. 2142: under nemeobius, the lines for subgenus and distribution are unnecessary
pg. 2377: caeseariae should be caseariae
pg. 2390: capitatus [see Neomorphus] should refer to Duncanius
pg. 2392: cylindrus [see Neomorphus] should refer to Duncanius
pg. 2395: dolatus [see Neomorphus] should refer to Duncanius
pg. 2413: parvulus [see Neomorphus] should refer to Duncanius
pg. 2422: transversus [see Neomorphus] should refer to Duncanius
pg. 2418: schroderi should come before schuhi
pg. 2461: khnzoriani should come before klapperichi
pg. 2481: [fasciunculus species-group] should have fasciunculus in italics
pg. 2530: varius should come after variolipennis on pg. 2531
pg. 2533: zanzibaricus should come before zaroghus
pg. 2553: molaccanum should be malaccanum
pg. 2608: atratus should come after aterrimus
Unnecessary blank lines (from inexplicable faulty conversions from the word processor to PDF):
pg. 381: above the line: synonym: cyanipennis (Thomson) 1878b:46
pg. 482: between the Zoological Record listing for Cyphogastra and Type Species.
pg. 501: above the line for subgenus Chalcotaenia
pg. 595: between Dicerca (Poecilonota) and Descarpentriesina
pg. 925: between sublimbalis and aurora
pg. 938: between lampetidiformis and purpureomicans
pg. 1011: between viridicollis and saundersii
pg. 1798: between amorosus and amplithorax
pg. 1841: between desteffanii and granulatus
pg; 1992: between vaulogeri and theryellus
pg. 2013: between capicolus and capillitectus
pg. 2059: between deceptorosus and decimatus
pg. 2124: under hexaspinus, between Zoological Record and [subgenus undef.]
pg. 2328: between fulgidicollis and fulgidicollellus
pg. 2369: between suzannae and typicus
pg. 2475: between canescens and capeneri
pg. 2516: between rotundatus and rufescens
pg. 2639: between taciturna and timialitha