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Genus: Hyporhagus
Diagnostic Features
- Description: Body larger, convex, elongate-oval, size over 3.5 mm. Antennae 11-segmented with a 3-segmented club. Antennal setation sparse. Eyes well-developed, elongate-oval, somewhat reniform, coarsely faceted, extending well onto dorsal portion of head. Groove around dorsal edge of eye paralleling eye facets for entire length. Lateral margins of pronotum arcuate. Pronotal disc simple. Hypomeron with deep antennal cavities. Antennal groove and cavity slightly curved (not recurved dorsally), ending before lateral margin of hypomeron. Antennal cavity concealed by prothoracic leg when retracted. Procoxal cavities open. Metacoxae widely separated, separation as wide or wider than metacoxal length. Scutellum small, triangular, visible. Abdominal ventrite 5 with deep, curved preapical groove. Tarsal formula 5-5-4. Dorsal surface punctate, glabrous, shiny.
- Similar genera: The genus Hyporhagus is most similar to the other monommatine genera Aspathines and Spinhyporhagus. Hyporhagus can be separated from Aspathines by the larger size, 3-segmented anntennal club, antennal groove and cavity not strongly recurved dorsally and not ending near lateral margin of hypomeron, and antennal cavity concealed by the prothoracic leg when retracted. Hyporhagus can be separated from Spinhyporhagus by the lack of a thin cuticular process on the dorsal margin of the eye.
Known Distribution
- Southwest (AZ, CA, NM, NV, UT), Southcentral (TX, OK, LA), Southeast (FL) USA.
- Members of the Monommatini are associated with rotting vegetable matter and are suspected to feed on fungus (Ivie, 2002). Hyporhagus gilensis was found in Yucca stems (Lawrence, 1991).
- Abundance: rare.
North American Species (4)
Species Diagnoses
- Hyporhagus gilensis: Western species. Body sub-opaque. DORSAL: Lateral margins of pronotum nearly straight, with a distinct angle separating lateral from anterior margins. Anterior pronotal margin nearly straight, distinctly shorter than basal margin. Posterior pronotal angles obtuse, posterior pronotal margin more sharply angled, distinctly convex. VENTRAL: maxillary palpi not distinctly swollen, terminal palpomere subcylindrical, widest at apex, not distinctly wider than preceding palpomeres, apex distinctly truncate. Strip of cuticle between eye and mouthparts wide, expanding towards base of eye. Eye at base mostly concealed, not distinctly expanded. Intercoxal process of abdominal ventrite I shallower, abdominal ventrite I shorter or nearly as long as ventrites 2-4. Male protarsus with 2 tarsomeres dilated and pubescent. Distribution: Arizona, California, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, Texas, Oklahoma, USA.
- Hyporhagus opaculus: Western species. Body sub-opaque. DORSAL: Lateral margins of pronotum arcuate, curvature smoothly continuing to anterior margin. Anterior pronotal margin nearly straight, slightly shorter than basal margin. Posterior pronotal angles acute, posterior pronotal margin more subtly convex. VENTRAL: maxillary palpi swollen, terminal palpomere bulbous, widest at middle, distinctly wider than preceding palpomeres. Strip of cuticle between eye and mouthparts wide, expanding towards base of eye. Eye at base mostly concealed, not distinctly expanded. Intercoxal process of abdominal ventrite I shallower, abdominal ventrite I about at long as ventrites 2-4. Male protarsus with 3 tarsomeres dilated and pubescent. Distribution: California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, USA.
- Hyporhagus pseudogilensis: Western species. Body sub-opaque. DORSAL: Lateral margins of pronotum arcuate, with a slight angle separating lateral from anterior margins (curvature into anterior margin not seamless. Anterior pronotal margin slightly sinuate, distinctly shorter than basal margin. Posterior pronotal angles obtuse, posterior pronotal margin more sharply angled, distinctly convex. VENTRAL: maxillary palpi slightly swollen, terminal palpomere subcylindrical, widest at middle, narrowing slightly towards apex, only slightly wider than preceding palpomeres, apex distinctly truncate. Strip of cuticle between eye and mouthparts wide, expanding towards base of eye. Eye at base mostly concealed, not distinctly expanded. Intercoxal process of abdominal ventrite I shallower, abdominal ventrite I shorter or nearly as long as ventrites 2-4. Male protarsus with 2 tarsomeres dilated and pubescent. Distribution: Texas, Arizona, USA.
- Hyporhagus punctulatus: Eastern species. Body shining. DORSAL: Lateral margins of pronotum arcuate, curvature smoothly continuing to anterior margin. Anterior pronotal margin nearly straight, slightly shorter than basal margin. VENTRAL: maxillary palpi swollen, terminal palpomere bulbous, widest at middle, distinctly wider than preceding palpomeres. Strip of cuticle between eye and mouthparts narrower, nearly parallel sided towards base of eye. Eye at base exposed, distinctly expanded inward. Intercoxal process of abdominal ventrite I more acute, abdominal ventrite I longer than ventrites 2-4. Male protarsus with 3 tarsomeres dilated and pubescent. Distribution: Florida, Louisiana, USA.
NOTE: Several subspecies are recognized for H. gilensis, H. punctulatus, and H. opaculus, but due to the need of revisionary work on the genus, only the nominal species for each will be referred to in this resource.
Potential Problems with Identification
- Members of this genus are extremely difficult to identify without representatives of each species at hand. The group requires extensive revision.
Selected References

Hyporhagus gilensis
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