Nearns, E.H., Branham, M.A., & S.M. Bybee. 2006. Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) types of the Fernando de Zayas Collection, Havana, Cuba. Zootaxa, 1270: 1-17. PDF

Habitus photographs of the cerambycid types (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) of the Fernando de Zayas Collection, Havana, Cuba, are presented. Color photographs are available on the Internet. Lectotypes are herein designated for two taxa, Plectromerus pinicola Zayas and Phidola superba Zayas (= Eupogonius superbus (Zayas)).
  • Figure 1. a, Derancistrus castaneous Zayas (= Elateropsis scabrosus Gahan), holotype; b, Prosternodes cubanus Zayas, holotype; c, Methia taina Zayas, holotype; d, Tessaropa luctuosa Zayas, holotype.

  • Figure 2. a, Eburia confusa Zayas, holotype; b, Eburia pellacia Zayas, holotype; c, Eburia pinarensis Zayas, holotype; d, Trinoplon bicolor Zayas, holotype.

  • Figure 3. a, Elaphidion angustatum Zayas, holotype; b, Elaphidion cristalensis Zayas, holotype; c, Elaphidion depressum Zayas, holotype; d, Elaphidion difflatus Zayas, holotype.

  • Figure 4. a, Elaphidion jibacoense Zayas, holotype; b, Elaphidion niveonotatum Zayas, holotype; c, Elaphidion pauropilosum Zayas, holotype; d, Elaphidion uncinatum Zayas, holotype.

  • Figure 5. a, Merostenus decoratus Zayas (= Caribbomerus decoratus (Zayas)), holotype; b, Merostenus exiguus Zayas (= Caribbomerus exiguus (Zayas)), holotype; c, Plectromerus exis Zayas, holotype; d, Plectromerus pinicola Zayas, lectotype.

  • Figure 6. a, Odontocera josemartii Zayas, holotype; b, Neoclytus jibacoense Zayas, holotype; c, Tilloclytus elongatus Zayas, holotype; d, Tilloclytus pilosus Zayas, holotype.

  • Figure 7. a, Rhopalophora baracoana Zayas, holotype; b, Trichrous brevicornis Zayas, holotype; c, Cupeyalia subterranea Zayas, holotype; d, Cyrtinus humilis Zayas, holotype.

  • Figure 8. a, Maisi fisheri Zayas, holotype; b, Nanilla terrestris Zayas, holotype; c, Nanilla globosa Zayas, holotype; d, Essostruthra alayoi Zayas (= Oedudes alayoi (Zayas)), holotype.

  • Figure 9. a, Acrepidopterum acutum Zayas, holotype; b, Zaplous baracutey Zayas, holotype; c, Estola dilloni Zayas, holotype; d, Phidola superba Zayas (= Eupogonius superbus (Zayas)), lectotype.

  • Figure 10. a, Leptostylus albagniri Zayas, holotype; b, Leptostylus castaneovirescens Zayas, holotype; c, Leptostylus heticus Zayas, holotype; d, Leptostylus illitus Zayas, holotype.

  • Figure 11. a, Leptostylus latifasciatus Zayas, holotype; b, Leptostylus nigritus Zayas, holotype; c, Leptostylus pseudocalcarius Zayas, holotype; d, Sternidius pantherinus Zayas (= Liopinus pantherinus (Zayas)), holotype.

  • Figure 12. a, Lethes humeralis Zayas, holotype; b, Lethes indignus Zayas, holotype; c, Lethes israeli Zayas (= Styloleptus b. biustus (LeConte)), holotype; d, Urgleptes nigronotatus Zayas (= Styloleptus nigronotatus (Zayas)), holotype.

  • Figure 13. a, Cubaecola hoploderoides Lameere, neotype designated by Zayas, 1957:164.
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