Glossary of Morphological Terms
Definitions adapted from Torre-Bueno glossary of entomology (Nichols, 1989).
- allotype: a specimen that is designated as a secondary, non name-bearing, type that is the opposite sex of the holotype
- annulate: surrounded by a ring of a different color
- antenna: in larval and adult insects, paired segmented appendages, borne one on each side of the head, functioning as sense organs and bearing a large number of sensilla (plural: antennae)
- antennomere: a subunit of the antenna, including scape, pedicel, and flagellomeres
- apex: end of any structure distad to the base (plural: apices)
- arcuate: arched or bow-like
- attenuate: gradually tapering apically
- base: the part of any appendage or structure that is nearest the body
- bidentate: having two teeth
- carina: an elevated ridge or keel, not necessarily high or acute (plural: carinae)
- cicatrix: a scar; a scar-like structure
- clavate: thickening gradually toward the tip
- conical: wider at base than apex
- contiguous: so near together as to touch
- crista: a prominent, longitudinal carina on the upper surface of any part of the head or body (plural: cristae)
- cuticle: a secretion of the epidermis, covering the entire body of the insect
- cylindrical: shaped like a cylinder, parallel sided
- dimorphic: occuring in two distinct forms
- distad: toward the distal end
- distal: near or toward the free end of any appendage; that part of a segment farthest from the body
- elongate: much longer than wide
- elytron: the leathery forewing of beetles, serving as a covering for the hind wings, commonly meeting opposite elytron in a straight line down the middle of the dorsum in repose (plural: elytra)
- emarginate: notched at the margin
- farinose: dotted with many single flour-like spots
- ferrugineous: rusty red-brown
- fimbriate: fringed with hairs of irregular length
- flagellomere: one part of a multiannulated flagellum of an antenna
- frons: the upper anterior portion of the head capsule, usually a distinct sclerite between the epicranium and clypeus
- frontoclypeal suture: the suture between the frons and the clypeus
- gena: the part of the cranium on each side below the eye (plural: genae)
- girdle: to cut away the bark and cambium in a ring around (a plant) usually to kill by interrupting the circulation of water and nutrients
- glabrous: smooth, devoid of pubescence; devoid of any sculpturing
- granulate: minutely and densely verrucose or minutely farinose
- holotype: a single specimen designated as the name-bearing type of a species or subspecies when it was established, or the single specimen on which the taxon was based when no type was specified
- humerus: shoulder; the basal exterior angle of the elytra (plural: humeri)
- lectotype: a syntype designated as the single name-bearing type specimen subsequent to the establishment of a nominal species or subspecies
- macula: a spot or mark (plural: maculae)
- mesocoxa: coxa of the midleg (plural: mesocoxae)
- mesofemur: midfemur (plural: mesofemora)
- mesosternum: sternum of the mesothorax
- mesosternal process: a prolongation of the mesosternum extending between the mesocoxae
- metacoxa: coxa of the hind leg (plural: metacoxae)
- metafemur: hind femur (plural: metafemora)
- oblong: longer than broad
- occiput: dorsal part of the head between the occipital sulcus and the postoccipital sulcus
- ochraceous: pale yellow
- ommatidium: one of the visual elements of the compound eye (plural: ommatidia)
- ovate: egg-shaped, with the broader end at the base
- oviposit: to deposit or lay eggs or ova
- paratype: each specimen of a type series other than the holotype
- pretarsus: last segment of the insect leg (plural: pretarsae)
- procoxa: coxa of the proleg (plural: procoxae)
- profemur: forefemur (plural: profemora)
- pronotum: the upper and dorsal part of the prothorax (plural: pronota)
- protuberance: any outgrowth or elevation above the surface
- proximal: that part of an appendage nearest the body, as opposed to distal
- pubescence: short, fine, erect hair
- punctate: set with fine, impressed points or punctures appearing as pin-pricks
- punctation: pits or depression of variable size in cuticle
- scape: see antennal scape
- sculpturing: definition
- seta: a sclerotized hair-like projection of the cuticle (plural: setae)
- sinuous: undulating, curved in and out
- subquadrate: not quite a square
- subtruncate: not quite cut off squarely at the tip
- sulcus: groove with a purely functional origin
- suture: groove marking the line of fusion of two formerly distinct plates; the line of junction of elytra
- syntype: each specimen of a type series from which neither a holotype nor a lectotype has been designated
- tarsal claw: usually paired claws of the pretarsus, at the apex of the leg
- transverse: broader than long
- truncate: cut off squarely at the tip
- tubercle: a small knoblike or rounded protuberance
- type: a particular kind of specimen; e.g. allotype, cotype, holotype, lectotype, paratype, syntype
- vertex: the top of the head between the eyes, frons and occiput, anterior to the occipital suture (plural: vertices)
- verrucose: covered with irregularly shaped lobes or wart-like protuberances
- vitta: a broad longitudinal stripe (plural: vittae)
Male Eudesmus sp., Ecuador
© K. Swing
Female Oncideres saga, Brazil
© M.L. Monné
Female Jamesia papulenta, Costa Rica
© K. Nishida |