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Genus: Tritania
Diagnostic Features
- Description: Elongate-ovate, moderate-sized, about 18-23 mm in length. Integument generally dark brown or ferrugineous with whitish and ochraceous pubescence.
Head with frons elongate, about as wide as width of 1 1/2 lower eye lobes. Eyes with lower lobes ovate. Genae elongate, about as tall or shorter than lower eye lobes. Antennal tubercles prominent, narrowly separated; tubercles armed at apex with shot, blunt horn (females) or with a moderately long, blunt horn (males); antennae about as long as overall body length (females), or as much as twice as long (males); scape clavate about as long or shorter than antennomere IV; antennomere III sinuate, longer than scape and antennomere IV; antennomere XI shorter than X (females) or longer than X (males). Pronotum transverse, conical, wider at base, without lateral tubercles. Elytra with sides attenuate; elytral apices individually rounded; elytra generally uniform in coloration or speckled; base of elytra with two prominent tubercles at humeri. Basal 1/3 of elytra with dense punctation, surface coarsely punctate or granulate-punctate. Procoxae without projection or with distinct, curved hook (males). Mesosternal process with apex feebly to deeply emarginate. Metafemora moderate in length, about 1/3 as long as elytra.
- The combination of the following characters will help to distinguish this genus: narrowly separated antennal tubercles; sinuate antennomere III; distinctly conical pronotum; base of elytra with two prominent tubercles at humeri; and elytra with sides attenuate.
- Similar genus/genera: strongly resembles Hypsioma.
Geographic Distribution
- South America (Brazil, French Guiana, Venezuela)
Host Plants/Trees
Girdling Behavior
Generic Synonymies
Selected References

Tritania dilloni
♀ specimen
© E.H. Nearns
© 2011-2015 Nearns, E.H., Lord, N.P., and K.B. Miller
The University of New Mexico and Center for Plant Health Science and Technology, USDA, APHIS, PPQ.