NB. Some of the type images found on the sites linked below can only be used with the proper, respective permission as they are under Copyright. Please check with the appropriate officers before potentially violating those Copyright agreements. |
Catalogue of the type specimens of Polycestinae (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) from the collection of the Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences - here |
Type Repository Codens - here |
The Buprestid Types of Linnaeus - here |
The American Museum of Natural History (New York) - here |
Bernice P. Bishop Museum (Honolulu) Buprestidae types - here |
The Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University - here |
California Academy of Sciences Buprestidae types - here |
Colección Nacional de Insectos del Instituto de Biología, UNAM, Mexico City - here |
Miscellaneous buprestid types from the Paris Museum - here |
Images of the entire Oberthur collection at the Paris Museum - here |
Miscellaneous buprestid types from the Prague Museum - here |
Miscellaneous buprestid types from the British Museum - here |
Miscellaneous buprestid types from the U.S. National Museum
of Natural History - here [no images yet] |
A searchable database with images of types in the National Museum of Victoria (Australia) - here |
Images of the Andre Baudon collection,
Musée du Biterrois,
France: |
the entire Baudon collection - here |
the Baudon types of Agrilus - here - the names, type numbers, etc. - here |
the non-Agrilus Baudon types - here - the names, type numbers, etc. - here |
Antonio Cobos buprestid types, Madrid Museum - here [under construction] |
Type images by genus - here |